Advertising Opportunities


New Ad Ideas Under Development

  • Video Spots on our very popular YouTube clips. Should we have bidding on who will have their ad in the next big name interview?
  • The Vendor Kaleidoscope – similar in format to our Community Kaleidoscope but each 600 x 800 pixel block listing could be almost a full screen of opportunity to include multimedia such as video trailers, music samples, slides shows etc. This is a page all unto itself, no articles, just shopping and displaying your newest products.
  • larger format graphic ads
  • Page Sponsorships – support a complete page with no other ads but yours on this page: possible example – Musical Instrument Tour
  • "Deal of the Day" front cover 180 x 300 pixels. iframe script- Ad changed from clients end. $300 per month

Gilded Serpent

Gilded Serpent