Gilded Serpent presents...
Using Magic is My Style

by Ann Lucas

Do you want to make more money at your next gig? The answer is Magic!!! Magic is an innovated way to leave a lasting impression and hopeful make you some extra money!! You don't have to be Houdini to perform those amazing tricks. There are some simple but effective tricks that will entertain your audience. These tricks can be learned and mastered in a few hours.

The type of magic I am referring to first is called "Tableside" or Close-up" magic. I think this is the easiest form to learn. It is definitely the least expensive and it allows you the opportunity to interact with your audience one on one. There are many tricks you can do as "Close-up" magic such as with coins, cards, match books, thumb cuffs. I recommend anything that requires audience's participation and a trick that is versatile. Personally, I like card tricks. You can use one deck of cards for a variety of tricks. Therefore no one will catch the trick at someone's table. I always perform my magic act after my show. This gives me a chance to get feed back from the audience and hopefully collect more money. I'll spend about 2 to 5 minutes at each table. If the tips are good and they usually are. I'll do maybe one but no more than two additional tricks. I say always leave them wanting more and always have that trusty business card ready!!

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Where do you go to lean these amazing tricks? I recommend a magic shop. It is more economy for you to go to a magic shop than to pay a magician for his time. If you go to a magic shop and buy the tricks there the magician on duty will teach you the trick for free. The tricks always come with written directions just in case you forget a step. I can't tell how helpful it is to see a magician explain the trick to you and give you some advice on how to present it. I learned a lot from a wonderful magician named Larry at

Annie's Costume Shop in Florida. I also perform a few "Stage" magic tricks when I dance. This is not such an easy form of magic. It requires a lot more practice but they have an awesome effect with the audience. (Translate more money). Some club owners will pay you more if they know you can do magic in your show.

I hope this gives you some insight on how to make some more money and leave a lasting impression with your audience. I assure you if you do magic at a show you will be remember and that is how you will improve your marketability!!

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