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November 2010 SnakeByte from the Gilded Serpent!

Web Magazine for Mid East Performing Arts, online now for 11 years!
14 New Articles! on

  • 11-17-10 Personal Impressions, Fantasy Belly Dance in New York City by Ayshe
    Looking back on it all, I can now only assume that, from the very beginning, I was already damaged goods. A “purest” I would never be!
  • 11-17-10 We Will Rak You! My Dance Experience with Queen by Stasha Vlasuk
    I’ll admit I wasn’t too familiar with the music of the British rock group Queen. The year was 1977, the month of December, in Los Angeles. I was invited to perform at a dinner party where Queen, in Los Angeles for several concerts, was the guest of honor. The job came to me through Dianne Webber.
  • 11-15-10 She's Got the Look! Establishing Yourself as a Professional, Part 2 by Naajidah and Ashiya
    Right or wrong, the average person hiring dancers has certain expectations.
  • 11-12-10 "That's a little risque for you to be doing as a momie!" Belly Dancing and Resistance to Cultural Discourse by Angie Moe PhD.
    Thus, while the pregnant woman symbolizes maternal potential, she also becomes aesthetically problematic. She is both an admired subject and a physically unappealing object, according to contemporary standards of beauty. As such, the postpartum torso is to be modestly clothed and/or masked according to culturally appropriate standards.
  • 11-11-10 Our Desert Roses, Photos from the Floralia Festival 2010, Photos, video interview, and text by Surreyya, photos are also by Nyla Crystal and Bob Lindbloom
    Held April 29-May 2, 2010 in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Produced by gleaming ray of light Selena Kareena, the Floralia Festival is held annually in TorC, (Truth or Consequences) New Mexico, and features a wide spectrum of dance and dancers from throughout the southwest, South America, and beyond.
  • 11-10-10 The Dumb and the Restless: Fire! A Lighter Outlook on Belly Dance by Tasha Banat
    Yes, the audience was eating out of my hand when someone from the back of the room yelled “Hey lady! Your hair is on fire!”
  • 11-8-10 The Physiological Effects of Oriental Dance, Excerpt from Health and The Oriental Dance, Chapter 1, by Aziza of Hungary
    There was no information subject available like "the technique of Belly dancing". I had to construct it myself. It took a lot of research in regards to both its theoretical and its practical sides.
  • 11-7-10 Ergun Tamer on Saz, Musical Instrument Tour Video
    Ergun is one of the organizers of the Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp held in Mendocino, California, each year in August. Ergun plays many instruments. In this video he tells us about the Turkish saz. The saz has many names depending on the country, such as bazouk or bazouki. This instrument also comes in many sizes.
  • 11-3-10 An Intro to Tribal Fusion by Jasmine June
    Since Tribal Fusion Belly Dance is a relatively new dance form, it is especially important to treat the genre with a level of professionalism, or else one runs the risk of discrediting the work of dancers who have dedicated their lives to creating and elevating Tribal Fusion Belly Dance.
  • 10-27-10 Gigbag Check #22 with Cory Zamora!
    Cory talks with us after her performance at the Carnival of Stars Festival in Richmond, California, in August 2010. She shows us what she carries for her performance.Including an old style 2 piece cabaret belt, Egyptian style bra with no fringe and more. The performance clip includes beautiful floorwork done as only Cory Zamora can do!
  • 10-26-10 Queen of Denial, Chapter 3: Hooray for Hollywood! by Rebaba
    As for Khayam’s, it was the extremely popular nightclub and restaurant that was known for having the best live music show in town, with good dancers, good food; a constant supply of good drugs, and in particular the more and more fashionable cocaine.


Special Advertising Section

Sharifwear! Best Prices! Top Quality! Made in the USA!! Club, Dance Wear, Salsa Wear, Tribal Wear, Salsa Skirts, Tribal Tops, Gypsy skirts, Belly Dance Gear! Made for Divas that dance!
Bellydance travel and workshops in Turkey! Turkish Bellydance Team surrounds you with Turkish dance culture since 1996! Join us in Sept 2011 for a 12 day tour, May 2011 Rom Festival in Istanbul.
~<:> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
YOUR AD HERE! 30 words with link for $40
Enjoy video clips from Mary Ellen's entire October Middle Eastern Treasurers Concert: belly dances by Ahava and Diana; exciting egyptian music with a six piece band; several drum ensembles; only thing missing, the potluck feast.  Visit
~<:> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
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Community Kaleidoscope
SFBA MECDA event- GS gets award!
Martha Duran's students dance at expo in Mexicali,
Photographer Michael Baxter dances for baby shower,

14th Annual Arab Film Fest
Tito goes glam!
Aziza teaches to 800 students in Argentina
Sami teaches music at Arab Cultural Center
Leila Farid teaches in Wash DC for Yasmin
Amani in Russia!

New Letters
Strange note from Irv Robbins
Cory Zamora happy with her Gigbag Check video
Beautiful letter of suppport from Barbara Sellers-Young
Jalilah writes of concern about Jasmine's article


Coming soon!
if you don't see your submitted article listed here,let us know!
Carl's photos from Spring Caravan
More photos and videos from IBCC
History of BD in Quebec
Bellydance Fashion Show
Delilah by Barbara Sellers-Young
Amina write about learning the dance from Magana Baptiste
Interview with Magana also in the works
Claudia's report on Bahaia's Camp
Roza reports on Arab BD contest in NM
Neferteri reports on LV Intensive
Dahab's Long Distance BD
Practice Habits by Adriane
Shanti reports on NBay Bazaar
Interview with Ayumi about the dance scene in Japan
Zorba on the Belly Dance Police
Jill Parker will be contributing
Kamala interview of Yasmeen of LA
DaVid contributing soon
Stasha- more on LA scene
Tasha Banat- Sword Disasters

Thank you for your sssssupport!

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