The Gilded Serpent presents...
Belly Dance Comics tm
Class War-Fair?
by Alexandria

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Ready for more?
2-29-04 You've Got Mail! Comic Strip by Alexandria
Female Clones from Zayda III are being killed and robbed of their family jewelry!

4-25-04 Shuvani: Music and Dance inspired by the Roma "Gypsy" Trail Photos by Jan Dvorak, Captions and Photos provided by Amy Luna Manderino Saturday, February 21, 2004 Cafe de la Paz, Berkeley, California

4-21-04 Rakkasah West Festival 2004 Friday Evening March 2004, Richmond, California photos by GS Volunteers including:
Biram, Clare, Cynthia, Krista, Lynette, Michelle, Monica, Sandra, Valentino, Yasmine and probably more!
*Let us know if you recognize faces!

4-13-04 Loving Remembrance and Requiem: the Best “School” That Ever Was, Part 3 by Morocco/ Carolina Varga Dinicu
Truth gives us the wings that brought us where we are today. Most of my jobs now are in places that wouldn't have thought twice about slamming the door in my face in the 1960s. I know because I tried and they did, but I kept coming back with more and more proof. Haven't stopped. Won't.

4-12-04 The Bellybus by Dervishspin
For a dancer to be what she is, to dance, she must be free. For a woman to be a full and equal member of our society she must be free to make her own choices about what is best for her.

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