Peace & Understanding.
Even a newly immigrated Moroccan child, knowing five languages, quickly
learns that there is more to communication then knowing the words
The Gilded Serpent
Story Written with
Arabic Idioms;
Why it is Difficult to Translate Arabic songs into English
Story by Anonymous
and interpretations by Rima El-Mouzayen
Introduction by Najia El-Mouzayen
Recently Rima,
who is Palestinian Arabic, born in Beirut, Lebanon, forwarded
a little story to me over the Internet that she had received
from her cousin in Lebanon. Her cousin commented that he
wanted to make her laugh and that she should “just try to
read it in English and at the same time, think in Lebanese
Arabic…if you can!” She sent it to me with the question,
“Do you find that this is funny?”
I answered, “I can see it would be funny if I knew these Arabic idioms; I imagine
that they are as peculiar as English idioms. Can you translate them all for
hard a little bit,” she answered. So Rima and I interpreted
them together. The result was so much fun that we have decided
that they may also be of interest to you. If nothing else
happens, you will come to understand why it is so difficult
to translate some Arabic songs (and Arabic jokes) into English.
It is often that idioms and poetic license are used in lyric
writing, and I am not just referring to “sha-bee-dah-bee,
ditty-wah-doo” lyrics, but the type that actually has words
like “Mares eat oats, and does eat oats, and little lambs
eat ivy”, or “I’m tearing my heart out over you.”
currently appears that the “Gypsy milk has gone up”
several places in the world and we all hope that “the
evil can be broken”.
Now that
I realize the power of idioms and the absurdity of the literal
translations of them, it isn’t any wonder that my Arabic
ex-husband and I had a three-day war (among our numerous
other wars) over my sighing statement, “I wish I had a magic
fairy wand that actually works!” Only he and the heavens
will ever know what his Arabic translation of that wish was
exactly, but whatever it was, it was not the meaning I gave
and I hope you will enjoy our idiom-story interpretation:
some two months three (for about two or three months), I recognized
a girl in the Tooth of the Elephant (I recognized a girl who
was from the city of Sin Al Feel). She was other
look (She was really something else) and like the moon (so
pale and stunning!)! Burn her religion, what beautiful!
(swearing: G-- damn, how beautiful!) I tried to touch her pulse
to see if there was space, (I attempted to find out if we had
anything in common.) and it appeared that she was interested.
The first day I talked her on the phone (I called her right away) and the second
day, she invited me on the lunch. (and she invited me to come to lunch the
very next day.) I asked her, “What you kitchenized?”
(“What have you cooked?”)
She answered,
“Some of my mother’s yogurt on the walking.” (An easy-going
meal based on some yogurt that her mom had prepared.) I liked
her project (her idea) and before I arrived to her (on my way),
I went to the Milker (Milker is a family name, like Hallab;
or he who milks the cow.) and bought some “Ladies’ Arms” (Zroud
Al Sitt, or Arms of Ladies, is a pastry.) and some “Eat and
Say Thank You”. (Coal Wa Shkor, or Food with Thanks, is another
kind of pastry.)
opened me the door (She answered the door for me.) and when
she saw the handsome (the dessert: Helawah) in my hand she
said, “Yiiy! Your hands be safe! (“Wow! My Goodness!”) Why
do you torture yourself, my uncle?” (“You shouldn’t have done
that, my dear.”) While we are eating, rang the doorbell. She
opened the door and entered her old boyfriend. (She answered
the doorbell and admitted her former boyfriend.)
He asked
her, “Who is he?”
She answered,
“Not your entry!” (“That’s none of your business!”) I knew
straight that he wanted to problemize it. (I realized instantly
that he was looking for trouble.)
He said,
“My eye on you and on him, I will count God not create you!”
(I am really angry and I’ll smack your head!)
said, “Look, my head does not carry me. (I’m warning you; I’m angry
and I can’t stand this.) Break the evil before the gypsy milk goes
up, huh! (Let’s not make problems today.)
pave the sea (Something really impossible; go to Hell) and
bleach from my face now!” (Get out of my face; go away!) The
man felt on his blood (He realized that he was wrong.) and
left the room. In truth, he poisoned
my body very
much, (He drove me crazy.) but the girl gave breakfast to my
nerves. (The girl calmed me down.)
She said to me, “Don’t carry worry, my life (“Don’t let him bother you, dear.);
don’t carry worry. Put your hands in cold water!” (Cool off!)
I told her
“Like my foot! (A terrible comparison that degrades somebody.)
Don’t get a mind. (Don’t think about it.) Tell me, are you
empty tonight?” (Are you available tonight?)
She answered,
“Yes. I emptify myself for you.” (I will change my plans.)
I assured her, “Thank you, my Love; you are very digestible.” (Ma dumi: You
are so cute.)
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us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for
other possible viewpoints!
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