Gilded Serpent presents...
Back in the Bay Area
by Aziza!
Between my
road tours and out-of-town gigs, I danced at a lot of different
places in the San Francisco area besides the
As I have
mentioned before, for a while Amina and
I danced on Monday evenings at the Casa
Madrid on Broadway in San Francisco. The Casa Madrid was
a cabaret owned by the great flamenco dancer, Cruz
Luna. He performed there nightly (except Mondays)
with two beautiful and talented female dancers, who always
wore big spitcurls, high combs and big red roses in their hair
and danced in their flounces like proud goddesses.
a restaurant in Alameda that was called The Casbah,
though with no relation to Fadil’s club, I worked with
a dancer named Khadijah (Katherine Rabanne)
who was known for her many elaborate tattoos. I even saw her
featured in a tattoo magazine once! She had a multi-colored
eagle all across her upper back, and so many tattoos on her
upper body that it looked like she was wearing a short-sleeved
blouse! If I remember correctly, her husband or boyfriend
was a tattoo artist.
I danced
for some time at a club in Hayward that was called the
Raven. It was not a Middle Eastern club, but they
wanted to feature bellydancing and called to offer me a job,
so what the heck…. They had a trio of piano, bass and
guitar, and it was lucky that I had had to find the musical
scores for a casual I did for Hal Morris,
as I had them available for these guys to play. For
several months I danced to Hava Nagila, Caravan,
and Song of India. I guess it was a good experience –it
certainly made
me stretch to find freshness and excitement in that same music
over and over!
For short
periods I worked in several places that I don’t even
remember the names of, such as Greek restaurants on the peninsula
and near the San Francisco airport. Actually, at the latter,
there were a couple of memorable occurrences. One evening
I was doing the folkdance tsiftitelli between sets
with a Greek named George when, during a particularly
athletic move, he split his pants in the back from inseam to
waist. Did it faze him? Not a bit! He tucked a napkin into
the back waist of his pants and continued to dance, with the
napkin flapping like a little skirt behind him. The other
thing that happened was considerably different. I
was dancing in the audience during a performance when the instep
of my right foot landed on a still-burning cigarette butt that
some cool character had discarded on the floor instead of in
an ashtray. Yow! As it was, dancing barefoot in Greek clubs
tended to be hazardous because of the Greek custom (since outlawed,
I understand) of throwing plates to break on the floor, as
an expression of exuberance and general yeehaw –but the
cigarette burn was just too much! At that time dancing sandals
were not yet easily available, so I wore high-heeled sandals
from then on when I danced in a Greek place! Oh, and there
was where I had my first magyeritsa, the Greek Easter
soup. I am sure that it was most entertaining to give an unsuspecting
girl soup made of entrails!
one point, Naji Baba opened a club on Broadway
called Francisco’s (where the
Garden of Eden is now). It was a long, narrow place,
and we danced on a long, skinny ramp that jutted out into the
room. Naji played dumbek and George Elias the Jerk played
the oud for us there. At that time I had been going out with
a friend of his, so he temporarily approved of me –one
night one of my
zils flew off into the audience, and George stopped playing,
went down into the audience,
and retrieved my zil for me. Was I embarrassed! The dressing
room was all windows across the back and there were no curtains –guys
used to sit on the fire escapes on the wall across the way
and watch us dress –it was, as you can imagine, quite
uncomfortable. I worked at Francisco’s with a dancer
named Aida (pre Aida al-Adawi), a slender,
petite woman
with immensely long, straight black hair. She told us she
used to be a stripper and enter with her hair all up under
a big hat –
A couple
of blocks from the Bagdad, around the corner on Columbus, some
Greek brothers opened the Greek Taverna and
hired me as their first belly dancer. There was live music,
with Greek folk-dancing between my shows. The brothers liked
lots of excitement, so one of the things they wanted me to
do was to dance standing on the chairs or tables –but
they were pedestal tables, and after a few wobbly and scary
episodes, I didn’t go any higher than the occasional
chair! After a few weeks there, I became aware that there
was a hole in the dressing room wall and I was sometimes watched
as I changed clothes. I didn’t want to make a big fuss
(at that time, one didn’t), so I brought in a bunch of
pictures that my young son had drawn and taped them over that hole
and anyplace else that seemed vulnerable. The Greek Taverna
was the first Greek club I worked in, and I was surprised by
how much faster the music was –I had never been a very
fast dancer, but I had to change my ways in a hurry!
1971 I was the first dancer in a place called the 1001
Nights, in the Tenderloin near the Minerva. I
was saving every
penny for an upcoming trip to Greece,
and I spoke to the musicians, led by Issa Deeb,
and to the owners about the possibility of not splitting my
tips for the couple of months I would be working there. They
were very gracious
about it, and all was fine til Issa Deeb left and Shukry
Ayyad came to work there. He would not agree
to the tips thing, and told the owner that I had to go or he
would quit! Well, dancers were and are much more expendable
than oudists, so bye-bye 1001 Nights! I went to Greece anyway.
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More from Aziza!
10-11-02 Review
of "Style File, A Visual Vocabulary of Middle Eastern Dance
Brown has created a handy reference guide to the main costuming
9-20-02 On
the Road
She was the fiery “Bedouin”who argued with the band in apparent
Arabic and seemed so real and dramatic.
4-11-02 The
Birth of Bal Anat and Other Adventures
belly dance will continue to evolve into things new and
strange, limited only by dancers' imaginations.
9-13-02 Mailbox
Missives: Are You Helping or Hurting Our Vendors? by
very few bad vendors exist.
9-6-02 Summer
Caravan 2002, Sunday Photos from July 28, 2002 by GS Staff
extras include- extra photos of Leila Haddad's amazing
show and candids shots of faces you know! |