The Splendor of Ethnic Jewelry : From the Colette and Jean-Pierre Ghysels Collection
by France Borel, John Bigelow Taylor I. Mark Paris

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On the Costumer’s Bookshelf
The Splendor of Ethnic Jewelry by Francis Borel

by Dawn 'Davina' Devine

The Splendor of Ethnic Jewelry by Francis Borel, photographs by John Bigelow Taylor. Henry Abrams, Inc, New York, 1994. ISBN # 0-8109-4453-7

For the reader or researcher interested in ethnic jewelry, this sumptuous coffee table book is worth every penny of its rather steep price.

Filled with over 400 large color photographs of exquisite museum-quality pieces, this book is, without a doubt, an excellent visual resource for anyone interested in ethnic jewelry. However, it is the thoughtful text, which is as once scholarly and yet easy to read, which enhances the images and transcends the coffee table look.

Grouped regionally, this book works like a caravan, sliding across the globe region by region. The stunning images of the jewelry clearly illustrate the stylistic shifts, borrowings and similarities between different cultural groups. A casual flip through the book reveals that even far flung tribal groups produce pieces that are strikingly similar in materials, techniques and aesthetics.

This book is a good investment for any dancer who is building a library of ethnographic resources. For tribal dancers, it can supply a host of interesting ideas and directions for acquiring distinctive and unique pieces from regions other than the Middle East. For dancers interested in history, tribal pieces represent a connection with the past. These cultures continue to use centuries old construction practices relying on traditional aesthetics.

Those folks who are interested in engaging in further research, the book includes an extensive bibliography that, unfortunately, references works in German and French. The index in the back is a good reference tool that can help you quickly find pieces throughout the book.

All in all, this is a well-organized and informative book, well worth its hefty price tag. Check it out next time you visit your favorite bookstore. You might have space on your bookshelf!

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