Serpent presents...
Fan Veilzz w/ Mahsati Janan
Review by Tracey
and to the point…. I will be reviewing a number
of instructional and performance DVD's in the near future
and I would like everyone to get acquainted with my reviewing
style: First of all, I LOVE the Middle East; its
people, its dance, its food, its music, you name it.
From my very first class with Lynne
Tepper (A'lana) from The
Jewels of the Nile out of Simi Valley,
CA, I have enjoyed learning all I can. I have found that
over the years my awareness has only increased and can
not imagine my life without its influence. My reviews
will be made purely out of honesty, integrity and constructive
criticism, as I see it. I cannot promise that
I will like every product that I review, but just know
that any criticism is not out of malicious intent.
will do my best to word any criticism in a constructive
manner. When we, as reviewers, put our reviews in
print, we run the risk of not all agreeing with our opinion,
or the readers taking it personally. I have no hidden
agenda or any secret vendettas. If something is not
to my liking or my standards, I may make suggestions as
to how I would change certain things to give a better look
or context to the reviewed material: as well as explain
my justification for those changes. How a writer phrases
their words can make all the difference in it’s perception. However,
if you charge $40 for a bunch of festival clips done with
personal camcorders or cell phones that are unstable or
blurry, well...I might be more blunt (I've actually seen
this, unfortunately).
1st Review….. Fabulous Fan Veilzz w/ Mahsati Janan
at the beginning you should be aware that this is not an instructional
video on how to belly dance. No warm ups or cool downs, it’s
advised that this is for dancers who already have prior experience
with the dance form; as well as being aware of using proper
posture, consult a doctor, etc. before using the moves
video is for artists who want to use fan veils in their act. I
appreciate this….Let’s get right to it. Some will disagree
and say warm up before doing anything, but I’m not here to
debate health and warm up techniques. Pretend
you’re in class, you’ve already warmed up, done a few basic
combinations, then your instructor says, “Now we’re going
to have Mahsati show us how to use fan veils
since you saw them at the Carnival last year and expressed
interest in doing a routine.” Fair?
I said before, this video is for those who are familiar with
belly dance already. The fan veil is a new concept
and performance skill , as well as a new prop in Middle Eastern
dance. I saw my first pair of veil fans, last year
in The Carnival festival held in 2007. Mahsati does
an extremely good job in teaching us how to incorporate it
into our dance and even mentions that this will join in the
ranks of the more recent addition of new props for Middle
Eastern dance such as the popularity of Isis wings.
explains the basics of the fan veil, how to hold, open and
close the fan. This may seem trivial, but people drop
props all the time and the way it is held is important. She
also explains this for people who are left handed. We
begin with Basic Moves, and then we move on to Flutters, Waves,
Sweeps, Figure 8’s, etc. All of that with using just
one fan, which by itself is very pretty. Then we move
onto double fans where Mahsati demonstrates all of these new
and different moves which showcast how they can be done for
an even greater effect. Within each chapter of the video regarding
use of either single or double fan; Mahsati shows techniques
on how to drape fan veils and use them for framing just like
you would a regular rectangular veil in a cabaret performance. Mahsati
also demonstrates ways to tuck them while dancing before you
get to the ‘fan’ part, etc. You are encouraged to experiment
on your own.
this, there is a section on combos. Mahsati gives you
various fan veil combinations that you can use in your dance
which would work well with a soloist, duo or troupe.
keeps reminding us to experiment with the fans on our own to
come up with more ideas, but she gives a good head start with
all of the moves and combos she demonstrates. There are
a lot of turns with the fan veils, just like with a regular
veil. Mahsati shows us a variety of turns to use, such as;
3-step, continuous, barrel turns, etc. completed while adding
a flutter and flourish or two. I don’t want to give it
all away; I’ll let you get the DVD to see what I’m talking
the end, we are treated to 5 different performances using the
fan veils from tribal to cabaret. The performers are Rising
Sun Tribe, Show’leh, Ra’eesah
Ra’naa and 2 performances by Mahsati Janan herself.
She does tribal fusion w/ 1 fan and cabaret w/ 2, re-iterating
how fan veils can be used to accent any dance style. I
enjoyed all of the performances, which showcase techniques
you just learned.
DVD was produced by Neo Films Productions (
web name is different from production name? ) It appears to
have been filmed on a theatre stage rather than a big studio
sound stage. I can tell it wasn’t produced on the same budget
as an IAMED or Hollywood Music Center DVD, but that does not
make it any less worthy of your time. The use of fan
veils is a new trend. I feel that Fan Veils used in a dance
performance should be used to enhance a dance performance,
not replace dance skills. And this DVD has enough substance
to fulfill the needs of anyone wanting to add this new skill
to their repertoire.
instructions on the DVD are very well done with clear audible
editing as well as including great views of her with her excellent
choice of attire and brightly colored fan veils. Most of the
music used is by Falik ( He
specializes in alternative rock with a Middle Eastern/Celtic
flavor. The DVD main menu is very user friendly and each
sub menu and chapter has a title page with professional quality
never heard of Mahsati Janan until now. I decided to visit
her website to learn more about her. From what I have seen
on this DVD, she is a good dancer and from what I read, she
loves and cares about this art form. I feel it was a good
move on her part to be the first veil fan dancer to come out
with this DVD. Personally, I’ve never been one to utilize
dance props, but this DVD makes me want to give fan veils a
try. And this is just Level 1!! Mahsati seems to cover
all the instruction and ideas of how to use Fan Veils with
this DVD. It will be very interesting to see what else she
can inspire us with in using the Fan Veil. I guess we’ll have
to stay tuned for Level 2!
on producer's website-
Rating: 3
a comment? Send us a
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for
other possible viewpoints!
for more?
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