Serpent presents...
Search of the Perfect Belly Dancer’s Library
Unveiled: 3
Instructional DVDs on Veil Dancing
Reviews by Martha
E. Duran
4-Yard Veils by
many dancers, a 4-yard veil implies a lot of work—at least a lot of bodywork! However,
the purpose of a veil is to add style, artistry, finesse and grace to any dance
of the type of material that becomes the veil is something
every Belly dancer should understand before picking out her
personal style of veil movements. After a brief introduction
and the explanation of why you might chose to work with a 4-yard
veil, Shoshanna advises a warm-up period that focuses on the
upper body; I find this convenient since the whole DVD focuses
on that part of the body alone. The entire warm-up choreography
reminded me of those old-school ‘90s jazz class warm-ups.
After an
explanation concerning what type of 4-yard veils are good for
beginners, and which might best suit advanced dancers,
whether or not to go to a hemmed or an un-hemmed fabric, and
the benefits of a circular veil, Shoshanna accurately explains
all the facts on veils as she demonstrates different mesmerizing
movements. These moves might be used with a regular veil but
they definitely “show off” with a 4-yard one! She demonstrates
combinations throughout the 90-minute DVD--combinations that
I found exceptionally useful for an intermediate or advanced
level dancer. I found it practical to access different sections
of this high quality DVD but a little difficult to understand
concerning some points for dancers who use English as their
second language. Shoshanna speaks with a pleasantly beautiful
voice but quite rapidly. At times, in the first sections of
the DVD where she is explaining a lot of important points,
it seems to me that she’s in a hurry to “wrap it up”. In most
of her demonstrations, she speaks in a regular speed clearly,
and with great knowledge of veil work.
The combinations
and the different veil approaches Shoshanna demonstrates, with
her 2 lovely assistants who following along with her instructions,
and her skillful performance makes this DVD an excellent element
for a Belly dancer’s DVD library! This disk sells on
for under twenty dollars. I think it is an amazing value!
Zil Rating= 4
zils: for Intermediate and Advanced Levels
Veils Romantic Bellydance by Sarah Skinner
Definitely a DVD
for the passionate side in every Belly dancer, Sarah Skinner shows
us in this DVD an elementary veil technique, wonderful costume making
ideas (which, by-the-way, are used by Sarah and her dancers throughout
their performances). Basic hip work is taught along with movement technique
for the torso on the level of the beginning Belly dancer, focusing
on fluidity of the movements. From the start, Sarah Skinner shares
the history of the veil, its different versions, and how Oscar
Wilde interpreted Salome’s Dance of the Seven Veils! Sarah also explains
very basic information about different types of veils, including detailed
placement of the veil along the dancer’s body, and how to hold the
veil properly.
In a brief section,
Sarah teaches basic Belly dance skills along with the veil movements. What
makes this DVD particularly attractive is her clear interpretation
from her personal experiences and knowledge, and she offers a wonderful
idea to “theme” your dance. This DVD can instruct a beginning Belly
dancer how to dance the Seven Veils, or could be an aid to a Belly
dance teacher who needs an idea for a stunning Belly dance performance
or recital-show.
I found professional
photography, an appropriate set and lighting, and spirited music
that I would love to own myself—perhaps for performing the choreography
I’ve learned by dancing along with the instruction on the DVD. I
found that this choreography is constructed in a very elegant way.
What makes this offering less attractive for the beginning Belly
dance students is that you will not end up being an outstanding
dancer simply by owning and following the instruction presented
on this disk. Therefore, I would not recommend it for your first
DVD purchase because many fundamentals of the dance are missing
(like posture and placement). You will not find drills for practice
here! However, this instruction presents fresh ideas and a theatrical
spin for all levels of Belly dancing.
Zil Rating=2
Veil by Sarah Skinner
is the most complete instruction on veil technique for all levels!
For a beginner, this instructional DVD teaches all the movements, wraps,
tips and tricks with basic terminology: you can end up learning technique
of the veil as if you attended a Belly dance workshop on use of the
veil. Sarah demonstrates the different styles
of fabrics suitable for veils from the cheap chiffon to the highly
priced Parisian silk and the sequin-trimmed cheap veils that accompany
typical Egyptian made costumes.
She also teaches:
- The 101 on
thread count
- How to choose
the ideal fabric for performance
- When to dance
with a heavy veil
- When to choose
a more translucent veil
- Whether to
edge or not to edge
- Which veils
are more suited to beginners
- Which veil
shapes are perfect for advanced dancers
In a complete
dancing-with-veil segment (full of different kinds of wraps
and unwrapping movements) she demonstrates clearly how to accomplish
it softly with the music. She also cautions dancers not to disrupt
the meaning of the dance with a segment of a dancer unwrapping
and handling her veil as if she were “washing her dirty laundry”!
Sarah Skinner teaches all the terminology there is for veiled
Belly dance; she demonstrates all the moves with different types
of veils, and she performs every move in a fitting set in complimentary
costuming. Music, lighting, cameras are all tasteful and professionally
suitable for a teaching video.
Sarah’s segment
on dance turns is focused on:
- Visual spotting
- Appropriate
body posture.
- Tips for maintaining
balance while turning,
- Different
kinds of cascades
- Veil frames
and switches
Frames and switches
are two of the subjects I loved the most, and Sarah demonstrates
them without the veil. She shows what your arms must be doing in
order to accomplish the movements. Since she has perfect arm placement,
it is easy to follow and learn the moves. A section concerning
how to solve problems that commonly happen during the veil dance
is included briefly (almost at the last part of this instruction)
specifically naming the most common veil “Oops!” and demonstrates
how to get out of them, too!
Sarah Skinner
performs an exemplary demonstration segment with all the veil movements
she taught throughout the video. As if that were not enough, she
teaches that same choreography step by step, except that she leaves
out the ending for dancers to choreograph for themselves. I did
not appreciate that feature, however, because it leaves this 2-hour
long (almost perfect) DVD of choreography a dance with no ending!
I have seen already enough Belly dancers do amazing performances with
lame endings! This has to stop! If you are making an instruction
DVD, be sure to teach ‘til the end, and don’t leave your video
apprentices hanging onto a pasted-on diva-esque pose with head
to the sky and legs askew that destroys all of your instruction! In fact, I would
like to suggest that perhaps someone consider producing an endings-only
instructional DVD soon.
Zil Rating= 4
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Check the "Letters to the Editor" for
other possible viewpoints!
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11-8-08 2
DVD Reviews: Must or Must Not for Your Library? FCBD DVD Steps
and Combinations, Vol.7 Fluid Precision Belly Dance DVD Review
by Martha Duran
search of the perfect library for a bellydancer I have found
these wonderful elements for the bellydancer in need of fundamentals.
2-8-08 Amina's
North Beach Memories, Chapter 7: Yousef –Black
Lights and Veils by Amina Goodyear
was kind of hard to compete with this kind of action when we kept
our clothes on.
11-14-08 Unveiled
Musical Gems,
3 CD Reviews by
Joette Sawall
Raqs El
Qamar by Chris Marashlian, Rhythms of Turkey by Tayyar Akdeniz,
Angelika Unveiled, by Angelika Nemeth and Raul Ferrando
12-5-08 Getting
in Shape: Three Core Training DVDs and One Special Treat Review
by Rebecca Firestone
Training for Bellydancers Bellydance, Yoga Conditioning with
Ariellah, Industrial Strength Dance Workout with Shakra, Bellydance
Arms & Posture with Rachel Brice
11-6-08 "Aheb
Masr, Music and Songs for Oriental Dance" CD Review by
Catherine Barros
by Nader Zakaria, at Merryland Studio Heliopolis, Artistic direction
by Yasmina. Depending on your mood and tastes, there should be
something for just about everyone on this CD.
3-11-08 Serpentessa –Do
not try this at home…. DVD review of "Belly
Dance with Snakes: Embody Your Inner Serpent" Review
by Surreyya
There are things in this video I can get behind and
things I can’t. A blessing and a curse of this video is
that there is so much information that it is difficult to navigate
through it all.
3-3-08 Academics
and Belly Dance, Two Books Review by Rebecca Firestone
Belly Dance: Orientalism, Transnationalism & Harem
Fantasy edited by Anthony Shay and Barbara Sellers-Young & Choreographic
Politics: State Folk Dance Companies, Representation, and Power
by Anthony Shay
2-18-08 Have
Belly Will Travel by Tanya Lemani book review by Birute
The process of getting booked on these shows and her
relationships with other artists, both famous and unknown, who
help her on her way is the most interesting part of the book
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