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Gilded Serpent presents...
Danza Del Vientre by Devorah Korek
Book Review by Gregory Burke
Translation by Amina Goodyear
3rd Edition, 2005, hardcover, 300 plus pages. In Spanish.
For Amina's synopsis, notes and comments see here

Once in a while an object of desire comes along, which is deemed important by its obscurity. Such could be the case with this hardcover, difficult to acquire tabletop adornment from Devorah Korek, an American-born Belly Dance teacher living and thriving in Spain.

However, this book turns out to be a wild ride on a roller coaster of speculation that, combined with lavish photography, makes for one great coffee table book.

A low-level “buzz” comes along with this handsomely adorned object of celebration and thought into the art of teaching dance. This book is entirely in Spanish and divided into 9 chapters. Each chapter has subheadings with italicized one-sentence statements. The contents after the subheadings define and expand upon these concepts. Such as Chapter 3: “Travel To The Center Of Your Body,” which will tell you the macrocosm and microcosm nature of this teacher’s facile mind. Yes, it’s the Big, Big Picture.

After a fawning introduction by Farida Fahmy, of Reda Troupe fame, the book throttles history and shakes out a new set of bones. The primary thesis is that the “movements of the dance” were always there. They are inherent in a woman’s body, and that most ancient religions have “mother goddesses” capable of giving and ending life. We move effortlessly between 4000BC and the much-maligned Orientalists of the 19th century.

The thinking here is that the dance is circular “like nature, like the solar system, like the cave paintings, like the Venus Of Willendorf.” I’d like to suggest that is a difficult point to argue against, even for the most devoted academic wonk.

The first chapter touches effortlessly on all the “forbidden areas”…“One God, One Dance,  Feminine Sexuality and Labyrinths, Odalisques, Harems and other Lies, the Belly as the Center of Spirituality, and the Future (is) In Our Hands.”

I know you’re saying, this book wouldn’t last 20 minutes in English, where the “Meaning-Reductionists” could take critical control. Here’s a news flash—it’s not for the US market! It is designed to appeal to Latin Women, and more precisely, Latin Belly Dancers. And appeal it does!  That’s a huge market and it’s not as fractured as the US home market. This is a Philosophy, a Dance Methodology, and a Discipline.

Above all, this is self-affirmation.You’re part of a belief system in an evolving universe, with the image of the dancing woman at the very center, and the planets of the solar system spinning around her.

After the all-encompassing first chapter, the rest of the book opens up into her teaching method and way beyond, and it holds up very well.

One glitch, the author’s teaching, which is apparently 4000 years old is now a “trademarked” system.

Think of it this way, that’s what that “V” microchip in your TV is for. If you’re practicing unpaid wiggles to her DVD, a red pop-up appears, and you owe her five dollars. Well, not really. 

I know you might say this book sounds remarkable for it’s lack of humor, distance and perspective. Seems stuck in a Eurocentric conceit? Wait until we tell you what you going to have to do to get it. First off…

This is the “Blair Witch” of Belly Dance Books. It’s hard to find the “it” of it. If you go to one of Amazon’s Multi-Cultural sites serving the world, expect to pay $120-$200 for a copy, plus shipping. Unless by this article’s date, some canny DVD & Costume Dealer has acquired some copies for local sale, our advice is to go to the author’s website direct.

Google up “,” punch “translation” program. Upon arrival, hit “Libro” and after checking out the reviews and outline, if you are pleased as punch go for “Buy.” As of last night, the price was around 30 Euros, which is under $50.00 US, and pay for shipping to your house. Just like Ebay. Be aware, the dollar is falling faster then a fat man without a parachute. Longer you wait, the more it’s going to cost.

Certain books set the bar for excellence and some are just plain embarrassing. “Danza Del Vientre,” is right dead center in the middle.

If you have an empty spot on your coffee table that needs filling, and you have the money to acquire this book -- Do it!

Regarding the zil rating: It gets a whole bucket of zils in review from us. Half of the points for “it so crazy, it’s wonderful,” and half for actual usefulness and physical beauty of the book. May you dance forever with the heavens spinning in your head and your “V” chip in place.

To buy this book, contact author by email or phone here-
Tel: (+34) 93 410 11 12 Tel: (+34) 9341011 12
Móvil: (+34) 628 25 25 75

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