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Eric Yee, as Clono, has his turn as MC, playing games that includes and entertains the audience


Gilded Serpent presents...

Carnival of Stars
Bellydance and Comic Book Convention
and Costume Contest

Photos by Michael Baxter
Event Sponsors Alexandria and Latifa

November 11 & 12, 2006
Centennial Hall, Hayward, California

Saturday Costume Contest Photos

As always, editor appreciates readers contributing any further names for faces appearing in the below photos.


Famous cartoonists Spain (standing) and Mark Bode (in cap, sitting)

Latifa, event sponsor and presenting her own award (wearing outfit designed by Jihan)

George Powell retired staff writer for the SF Chronicle Newspaper

Jim Austin, also giving his own award


"green monster"
Eric Yee

"Silver Monster "
Ed Martinez
1st prize

"Red Devil"
smiles at right

"Darth Vader's wife"



Anisa at center wearing a mask from ? surrounded by her friends in various unknown outfits
(a little help here, please, readers!)

Trish St John-Hannan
wearing a gorgeous dress made of antique assuit
2nd Place Prize

Linda Grondahl
wearing a Algerian dress given her by one of her 3 competing in-laws.


"Queen of The Industrial Age"
MC Hal's favorite (ahem!) and The Jim Austin Award

" The Girl that Forgot Her Dress"
The Latifa Mary Kay Award

Eowyn Seline
Most Beautiful Award

Storybook Dreamers

"Pirate Slave Trader"
Alex Diaz of El Asab

Michael Harris
"Desert Bandit
" 1st place Children's Category


mugging for the amusement of Alyson

Pepper Alexandria
as "The Ring Master of Carnival of Stars"

Coming soon-- Sunday photos by Michael Baxter and the Panel Discussion transcribed by Alyson

Have a comment? Send us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!

Ready for more?
1-4-07 Saturday Photos -Carnival of Stars Bellydance & Comic Book Convention & Costume Contest Photos by Michael Baxter
Event Sponsors Alexandria and Latifa November 11 & 12, 2006 Centennial Hall, Hayward, California

12-22-05 Comic Book Artists Portray Dancers at Carnival of Stars 2005
In addition to the dancing and vending, comic book artists were on hand to demonstrate their ability to convert photos into works of art as well as to promote their work.

5-5-05 Initiating Dance Dialogue: Current Trends, The Panel Discussion at Carnivals of Stars Festival, transcribed from video by Andrea, Panel members included: Heather as moderator, Monica Berini, Shira, Barbara Bolan, Amina Goodyear, Debbie Lammam.

1-12-07 The Magnificent Fundraiser Part IV: The Berkeley Fire Department and Act 3, Bert and Najia's Duet by Najia Marlyz Slideshow coding by Tammy Yee
Near the end of our Second Act, the curtain began to smolder badly filling the air with an acrid stench and blue smoke...

12-30-06 I Dance; You Follow by Leila
As Westerners interested in an Eastern dance form, we might want to ask ourselves if we are missing certain critical aspects of Raqs Sharki because we are not open to Eastern teaching methods.

1-10-07 Ansuya's San Francisco Performance Reviewed by Surreyya
Superstar Ansuya and Belly dancer enthusiast and event producer Gina Grandi provide warm environment to feature up and coming local talent.

12-19-06 Oriental Dance Festival in Belgium reviewed by Artmeisia
I went to this festival for my two heroes–Aziza and Jillina–and came home with three!

12-7-06 Jazayer's "Enchanted Journey" CD Reviewed by Surreyya
“It is easy to make easy music sound good…” they say.



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